
Between Savage and Civilized: Negotiating a Space for Indigenous Art in the 21st Century

Between Savage and Civilized: Negotiating a Space for Indigenous Art in the 21st Century

Free talk tomorrow, 4/29! 6:00-8:00pm

Co-presented with your very own NYU Draper Program, and featuring our Art Worlds fellow, Mario Caro!

Click on the link for more details and to RSVP.

What does it mean to be an “Indigenous artist” working between his/her own community and the contemporary global art world? To what degree has the global art world embraced the “tribal”, and the “tribal” interfaced with western art? These are some of the questions Brett Graham will explore, drawing from examples in his own work, and recent indigenous art exhibitions such as Sakahan: International Indigenous Art. Mario Caro (Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow, NYU Draper Program) provides an introduction.

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